Permadust Boric Acid Product Label Permadust Boric Acid Material Safety Data Sheet (MSDS) Permadust (Perma dust) Boric Acid DustPermadust (Perma Dust) Boric Acid Dust is a long lasting residual. Permadust (Perma Dust) Boric Acid Dust is a boric acid based dust aerosol that is used in cracks and crevices. Please be cautious when using around children and pets. Permadust is even good in food handling facilities for it is not affected by moisture nor heat.
Directions For UseAll residue must be out of reach of children or domestic animals. Avoid contamination of food and foodstuffs. Do not use in aircraft cabins. Before use, shake until agitator ball rattles. For best results, Use in upright position only. Do not spray on plastic, painted or varnished surfaces or directly into any electronic equipment such as radios, televisions, computers, telephones, etc. where the powdery residue may foul or short electric contacts an d circuits. HOW TO USE WHITMIRE MICRO-GEN CRACK AND CREVICE INJECTION SYSTEM: Use PERMADUST with the supplied actuator and injection tubes. Inject PERMA-DUST into cracks and crevices or void spaces where insects may be harboring, living and breeding. Place injector tip into cracks, crevices, holes and other small openings. Release approximately one second of product. Move injector tip along cracks while treating at the rate of three linear feet per second. For closed voids, calculate the void¤?¤±¤?¤? cubic area and treat at the rate of three to five seconds per three cubic feet. For closed void areas, drill small access holes. Several holes may be required in long-running voids. This product may leave a white residue. This residue can normally be removed with a damp cloth or sponge. INDOOR TREATMENTS CENTIPEDES, COCKROACHES, CRICKETS, DERMESTIDS, EARWIGS, MILLIPEDES, SCORPIONS, SOWBUGS AND SPIDERS: Inject with the prescribed dosage into cracks and crevices and void spaces where insects may be harboring. These may include, but are not limited to, openings around pipes and sinks, under refrigerators, behind baseboards, washing machines, stoves, cabinets, sewers, floor drains and meter boxes. BOOKLICE, FIREBRATS AND SILVERFISH: Inject into cracks and crevices associated with baseboards, door frames, bookcases and other harborage sites. ANTS: Inject cracks, crevices and voids where ants may be traveling and/or harboring, including, but not limited to, around doors, window frames, wall voids and other structural cracks and crevices and void areas. STORED PRODUCT PESTS (Adult and Larval Stages): Chocolate Moths, Drug Store Beetles, Flour Beetles, Grain Weevils, Indian Meal Moths, Trogodermas: Inject into cracks and crevices and/or voids where these insects may be harboring. Infested areas may include, but are not limited to, cracks and crevices in cabinets, pantries, wall voids and in machinery. CARPENTER BEES: Locate bee entrance holes. Inject 5-10 seconds of product into entrance holes. Seal entrances after application. FOOD AREAS - APPLICATION LIMITED TO CRACK AND CREVICE TREATMENT ONLY: Includes areas for receiving, storage, packing (canning, bottling, wrapping, boxing), preparing, edible waste storage and enclosed processing systems (mills, dairies, edible oils, syrups). Serving areas (when food is exposed and facility is in operation) are also considered food areas. Apply directly into cracks and crevices and void areas using injection tube in points between different elements of construction, between equipment and floors, openings leading to voids and hollow spaces in walls, equipment legs and bases where insects hide. Care should be taken to avoid depositing the product onto exposed surfaces or introducing the material into the air. Avoid contamination of food or food processing surfaces. INDOOR AND OUTDOOR TREATMENTS CARPENTER ANTS: Locate source of infestation or areas of suspected activity. Inject 5-10 seconds of product into insect tunnels and cavities. Treat points of entry or exits from voids such as around doors, windows and siding. BOXELDER BUGS, CLOVER MITES, CLUSTER FLIES AND ELMLEAF BEETLES: Inject cracks and crevices and/or voids where these insects may be harboring or hibernating. Infested areas may include, but are not limited to, cracks and crevices, behind siding, wall voids, around window and door frames. OUTDOOR TREATMENTS ANTS, CENTIPEDES, CLOVER MITES, COCKROACHES, CRICKETS, EARWIGS, GROUND BEETLES, MILLIPEDES, PILLBUGS, SCORPIONS, SOWBUGS AND SPIDERS: Treat cracks around doors, windows, under siding and voids at foundation level, beneath guards on loading docks, into cracks in foundations and floors and in other places where these pests may enter building. Please refer to and follow the directions on the Perma Dust Boric Acid Dust Aerosol product label. |
Permadust Boric Acid Dust - 9oz Can -- $16.45